Thursday, August 29, 2019

For Second Time In One Day NBC News Corrects Fake Story About Trump

It has not been a fantastic day for the cracker jack staff at NBC News with another story about President Donald Trump that it got incorrect.

In the network's fervor to use anything to attack President Trump it is doing lackluster fact checking and having to walk back what it has reported.

On Wednesday, after the network reported that kids born to United States service members overseas would not be granted citizenship, it had to correct itself again.

"Correction: Experts who have looked at new USCIS policy say it applies if a service member adopts a child overseas, but children born to service members on deployment would still automatically get citizenship. I deleted tweets with the incorrect info," NBC News correspondent Ken Dilanian said.

MSNBC and one of its hosts, Lawrence O'Donnell, are apologizing for making a claim against President Donald Trump that is not rooted in fact.

On Tuesday the host claimed that there was evidence that Russian Oligarchs cosigned for loans for President Trump when he was a businessman.

100%. 0%. "He told fellow host Rachel Maddow that a"single source close to Deutsche Bank has told me that the Trump - Donald Trump's loan documents there show that he has co-signers.

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