Wednesday, August 28, 2019

China and the 2020 Election

Joe Biden, in his days in the Senate, was very partial to China, as he voted against revoking China's most-favored nation status and in 2007 opposed the idea of applying any tariffs on China despite their obvious unfair trade practices.

In the same year Biden was given the assignment, by Barack Obama, to be the point man on China due his close personal relationship with Xi Jinping, then Vice-President and heir apparent to the Presidency.

Due solely to Joe Biden's influence, in 2011, less than a year after starting Rosemont Seneca Partners, essentially a three-man investment firm with Chris Heinz, Biden's son Hunter, who had no previous experience in private equity, was in China to explore business opportunities with Chinese state-owned enterprises.

In 2014, another arm of Hunter's budding business empire, Rosemont Realty, began negotiating multi-billion dollar deals with Gemini Investments, a Chinese firm with ties to the China Ocean Shipping Company Ltd. which reportedly operates as an extension of the Chinese military and who eventually acquired 75% of Rosemont Realty in order to purchase commercial real estate in the United States.

Anyone who has dealt with the Chinese Government or the myriad of entities controlled by the government can attest: any foreign business transaction with China always has a requisite or implied quid pro quo that oftentimes does not involve monetary considerations.

In the years and months before he decided to throw his hat in the ring, it had to be obvious to Joe Biden and in particular those close to him that his mental acuity is rapidly failing, not to mention that his and Hunter's questionable business activities in China and the Ukraine would be exposed on a grand scale.

If Xi Jinping coerced his old friend Joe Biden into running, then he placed his prestige and fate on the line that China would be able to hold out in the ongoing trade war and achieve a favorable outcome in any negotiations with Biden at the helm.

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