Thursday, August 29, 2019

Think Trump is Hitler? Go to Dachau

Many visitors turn back towards the snack bar, falsely satiated after an hour, thinking they've seen Dachau and anxiously trying to remember when the shuttle bus runs back to the station.

Hitler and his Dachau did not emerge from an election that frowned on a favored candidate.

Within three months of taking office, Hitler gave himself the right to amend the constitution, ended representative government, created special political courts, made criticism of the government a capital crime, and established Dachau.

The presentation at Dachau is very un-2019, where everyone vies for adopted victimhood and chosen trauma.

Tweets childishly mocking political opponents and regulations preventing a small number of self-declared trans people from joining the Army have nothing to do with Dachau.

While CNN works to convince viewers that silver mylar blankets instead of comfy quilts for migrants means there are concentration camps in America, Dachau reminds us that physicians here dissected human beings alive as part of medical experiments.

For those who call Trump a Nazi, there is Dachau to visit.

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