Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Genocidal Roots Of The Green New Deal: Limits To Growth & The Unchaining Of Prometheus

Is this passion to save the planet from humanity genuine? Do these oligarchs and billionaires really care so much that their support for a Green New Deal is as benevolent as the media portrays... or is something darker at play? To answer these questions, we will have to first quickly review what the Green New Deal IS, then where it came from and then finally what its architects have stated they wish to accomplish with its implementation.

As the name implies, the Green New Deal is a sweeping policy agenda which takes its name from the original New Deal of 1932 enacted under the leadership of President Franklin Roosevelt.

While the Green New Deal of 2019 proposes to dramatically overhaul the rules of finance and infrastructure planning, its similarities to the original end there.

The Green New Deal on the other hand seeks to lower American productive powers of labor and living standards by investments into zero growth green infrastructure.

The document which became the bible and blueprint of this new anti-humanist movement that birthed today's Green New Deal agenda was titled Limits to Growth and today holds the record as the most widely read book on ecology, having sold 30 million copies published into 32 languages.

I hope that this report has demonstrated that the Green New Deal is nothing other than a new form of eugenics masquerading as a socially conscious reform of the system.

The fact is that not only is this Green New Deal NOT green, but has no connection to the true New Deal.

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