Thursday, October 1, 2020

It's Time That Democrats Are Asked to Condemn Some Things

Chris Wallace had so many egregiously awful moments during the first presidential debate that it's almost impossible to count them.

As I have written many times, my issue with these political Kabuki theater "Debates" is that the questioning is all framed around Democrat talking points.

Trump might have been able to handle the question better but I'm glad he didn't completely take the bait.

Rather than being pressed to acknowledge and condemn that easily proven fact, Biden was allowed to call antifa an "Idea" and carry on with his drooling assessment of reality.

It's farcical that Trump is being forced to condemn the violence in America when most of it is being directed at him.

They'll never have to condemn anything, of course, because they're in bed with the mainstream media.

Drew Holden fact-checks the fact-checkers after Tuesday night's debate. 

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