Thursday, October 29, 2020

China's US patsies, from Antifa to the NBA

Their propaganda goal is to convince the world that the Beijing regime's authoritarian system is far superior to an American exceptionalism built upon free markets, free persons, democratic elections, the rule of law and an independent judiciary.

In 1972, a Gallup Poll found that two-thirds of Americans trusted the news media.

Nearly a third of the American people have no trust whatsoever in our media.

The American media aren't the only useful idiots promoting Communist China's agenda, of course.

When Hollywood moguls release yet another movie that quite literally airbrushes the abuses of the CCP, authoritarian China wins and self-censored American democracy loses.

When our professional athletes refuse to stand and pledge ­allegiance to our flag - and honor those in a different kind of uniform who have lost their lives in defense of America's freedom - Communist China wins and American democracy loses.

American civility loses, and Communist Chinese thought-control wins. 

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