Tuesday, October 27, 2020

After Five Decades Of Failure, The 2020 Dem Candidate Is Hiding During Last Week Of The Election?

Biden is playing this election like he is running for class president.

Biden is hiding in his basement because if he talks, voters may begin to understand why the plan is for Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders to run for the presidency.

The Democrats seem to be overly confident, which makes me very suspicious about the whole mail-in voting system they've been pushing so hard.

If Joe Biden retreats to the basement every single day of a presidential campaign, hiding in terror from the news of the day, what will he be like as a president? How can anyone take this man seriously with a straight face? #StumblingJoeBiden.

It is as though they know that it doesn't matter how many people show up for President Trump and blow Biden's numbers away-they could show up after the election with fraudulent ballots and commit mass voter fraud.

If Americans votes are canceled by hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots and by destroying ballots from heavily Republican districts, then voters will understand that our votes don't matter anymore.

Joe Biden is in hiding, just days from the election.


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