Thursday, October 29, 2020

Will They Really Get Away With It?

The details of the criminal seditious conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States.

How is it that Attorney General William Barr and John Durham are consumed with prosecutorial ennui when the crimes and cover-ups are so painfully obvious? One is left to conclude that it really all comes down to political will.

Do Barr and/or Durham have the stomach to seek the indictment of people like James Comey, John Brennan, Andy McCabe and others?

"Russia, Russia, Russia was a scam that ruined lives and put a cloud over the White House for nearly three years. The sequel was partisan impeachment, a clumsy coup attempt orchestrated by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Trump haters in Congress, the deep state, and the media."

The law enforcement and intelligence powers of the United States were perversely twisted and abused to advance a partisan political agenda by the sitting president; his paid political operatives; and officers, agents and employees of the United States Government against Candidate Trump, President-elect Trump and President Trump.

Why is there reluctance today? How is it that Attorney General William Barr and John Durham are consumed with prosecutorial ennui when the crimes and cover-ups are so painfully obvious? One is left to conclude that it really all comes down to political will.

Granted, Lindsey Graham is certainly no Sam Ervin; and Richard Burr abdicated the running of the Senate Intelligence Committee to Mark Warner years ago - but AG Barr and Prosecutor Durham do not need committees of Congress for "Cover" to pursue the criminality of the Obama administration and their operatives in the Department of Justice, FBI, CIA and State Department. 

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