Wednesday, October 28, 2020

OUT OF SHADOWS OFFICIAL | Documentary Exposing Satanism In High Places

Out of Shadows, a 77-minute “documentary” that appeared in April on YouTube, seemingly out of the blue, from a former stuntman named Mike Smith. The film alleges, among other things, that Hollywood is run by Satanic pedophilia rings that distribute propaganda through films like Zoolander, the music videos of Katy Perry and Lady Gaga, and a discreet set of symbols, including the words “television” (tell-a-vision), “channel” (psychic communication), and “Hollywood” (named, they say, for the holly plant—which is poisonous and was once used in Druid rituals). 

The movie came out to minimal fanfare, little publicity, and no credits or disclosures about its funding. But since then, the film has spread through the platforms of right-wing influencers like Evans, reaching an audience magnitudes larger than popular conspiracy videos like Plandemic. As of Aug. 5, Out of Shadows has over 20 million views on YouTube alone. It has been translated into a dozen different languages. An attorney for Smith estimated that, between its website and other platforms, the film had been watched “roughly 100 million times.”  

Out of Shadows never directly mentions QAnon—the formerly fringe, far-right conspiracy theory whose proponents believe Donald Trump, who has appeared in dozens of films and TV shows, is waging an underground war on Democratic and Hollywood pedophiles—but it traffics in nearly identical material. “It does this really hard job of avoiding QAnon,” said Mike Rains, a QAnon researcher who produces the conspiracy-debunking podcast Poker Politics. One of just five sources who appear in the movie is Liz Crokin, a former tabloid writer-turned-QAnon adherent (“Liz really dialed it back a lot in that movie,” Rains said. “She’s this hardcore QAnon promoter.”) And recently, when another Out of Shadows subject called the conspiracy a “PsyOp” on Twitter, prompting a miniature war among believers, Smith released a statement against his own source.


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