Friday, October 30, 2020

Elizabeth Warren will lobby Biden to become Treasury secretary

He should make that a little more concrete in swing states by noting that Sanders and Warren want key economic positions in a Biden administration.

Elizabeth Warren wants to be Joe Biden's Treasury secretary and will make her case for it if he wins next week, according to three Democratic officials who have spoken with her inner circle.

Wall Street would treat it as a declaration of war by the new administration, which a President Warren or President Sanders would welcome but a President Biden would not.

Even if Biden were willing to antagonize them by nominating Warren, it's an open question whether she could be confirmed.

There's no chance if Republicans hold the Senate majority, which admittedly is unlikely if Biden wins on Tuesday, but even a narrow Democratic majority might be skittish about Warren.

Progressives will be very excited about Sanders and Warren gaining control over a huge chunk of the federal government's regulatory machinery.

The freshmen senators might be able to have their arms twisted into voting for Bernie and Warren if they have plenty of cover from the center on all other major nominations. 

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