Saturday, October 31, 2020

Before Biden Even Elected, Leftists Already Planning Harris to Lead 'Post-Biden Democratic Party'

Former Vice President Joe Biden has not yet won the 2020 presidential election, but leftist Democrats are already planning on a Kamala Harris-led, post-Biden Democrat Party made up of younger and more left-wing voters.

Axios released a report Friday morning citing how many on the left view Harris - a California senator and Biden's running mate - as the face and leader of what Axios called "a post-Biden Democratic Party."

The party's rising left sees Harris as the best hope for penetrating Joe Biden's older, largely white inner circle.

"People believe Biden when he says 'Black Lives Matter' and 'We need to address racism in our nation,'" Shropshire added.

"She's going to put a racial and gender lens on everything that they talk about in their administration, and that's been lacking," Glynda Carr, founder of Higher Heights for America PAC, which works to elect black women to public office, told Axios.

"This tees up potential points of tension between Harris and Biden right out of the gate," Axios reported, which also claimed "There's a feeling that she's more accountable to their movement than Biden himself."

"Harris will be a voice pushing Biden not to negotiate with what the Republican Party wants to do," Waleed Shahid, spokesman for the far-left Justice Democrats, told Axios. 

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