Saturday, October 31, 2020

US Seizes "Largest Ever" Haul Of Iranian Missiles & Oil: 'Enough For A Large Military Force'

On Thursday the United States revealed it had previously seized a major shipment of Iranian missiles bound for Yemen, and separately that it seized and later sold 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel bound for Venezuela.

The DOJ identified that it as top Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps operatives behind the clandestine shipments of fuel and weapons.

The 1.1 barrels of fuel had been previously reported as seized by US authorities in August.

US courts have ordered Iran's clerical regime to pay damages over attacks, most recently in July when a judge told Tehran to pay $879.1 million over a 1996 bombing in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 US airmen.

Authorities also said the Navy had confiscated other weapons components and enough blasting caps to "Approximately" supply the U.S. military forces for a year, "Leading law enforcement to believe these blasting caps were intended for a large military force."

Days ahead of the US election, there's little doubt that Tehran is actively rooting for Joe Biden to take the White House, given Trump's maximum pressure campaign is crippling the Iranian economy and fast putting the two sides on a war footing, especially after the January assassination of IRGC Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani.

Meanwhile Iran and Venezuela have pledged deepening cooperation, while the US has vowed to "Destroy" and missiles transferred to the Maduro regime. 

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