Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Hunter Biden Chaired a Foundation to Stop Child Abuse, While Engaging In It

The Hunter Biden laptop at the center of the political scandal had a sticker on it with the name of the Beau Biden Foundation.

The full name of the foundation named after Joe Biden's son and Hunter Biden's brother is the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children.

It's unclear if the Hunter Biden laptop actually belonged to the Beau Biden Foundation, but the The Mac Shop, at the center of the story, is in Wilmington, as is the Beau Biden Foundation.

If Hunter Biden was privately being accused of creating "a very unsafe environment for the kids" and of exposing himself to an underage girl, this should have been made public to warn others, instead of concealing the information for years until the laptop with its Beau Biden Foundation sticker, featuring an angel's wing, went public.

The Beau Biden Foundation offers "Youth-serving organizations" a $3,000 "Shield of Protection" program which claims to train staff how to be "Stewards of Children®", stop grooming, as well as "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse." The latter, a $500 workshop, deals with, among other things, mandatory reporting statutes.

Also on the board is former FBI director Louis Freeh who had also been recruited by Hunter Biden to work on the case of a Romanian businessman convicted of fraud, while Joe Biden was pressuring the Romanian government to fight "Corruption".

How much did the board members of the Beau Biden Foundation know about what the laptop might contain? Were any of them aware that even while the foundation was soliciting and obtaining coronavirus grant funds to protect children from online abuse, its co-chair may have been accused of abuse?


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