Friday, October 2, 2020

Culture Forced Denunciations And ‘Sensitivity Training’ Mimic Communist Brainwashing Tactics

Agitators for critical race theory have fanned out of academia into mind-hacking workaday Americans, trying to convince them the nation is unredeemably evil.

Christopher Rufo, a research fellow with the Discovery Institute, has described how trainers for critical race theory in the federal government are defying President Trump's executive order to cancel their race-baiting training.

'" The State Department, EPA, and VA are moving forward with critical race theory trainings-in violation of a presidential order.

Critical race theory and communist tactics are pretty much interchangeable.

In critical race theory, as in communism, the concept of "Social justice" quickly devolves into a smokescreen, an old-fashioned divide-and-conquer tool.

While Karl Marx stoked divisions by trying to build "Class consciousness," today's CRT trainers stoke divisions through its brand of race consciousness.

Sure, at first glance CRT looks like it's all about race.

CRT really represents a classic, textbook case of coercive thought reform, otherwise known as brainwashing.

Today we see CRT agitators getting people to make the seemingly mild statement that "Black lives matter." Most are unaware that the BLM organization is blatantly Marxist and does not believe people have a right to own property or to raise their own children.

First of all, the employees are put into a controlled environment, isolated from other influences and under the complete supervision of the CRT trainers.

CRT fits the type of cult thought reform process that Singer classified as reliant upon "Aversive emotional arousal techniques - guilt and fear induction, strict discipline and punishments, excessive criticism and blame." CRT requires people to think of themselves as either racists or victims or allies, nothing more and nothing less. 

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