Thursday, October 1, 2020

Biden Will Pack the Supreme Court

Once again, Biden refused to say whether he would expand the size of the Supreme Court to pack it with liberals.

For these voters, Biden needs to portray himself as a moderate and so he cannot admit that he wants to create a permanent liberal majority on the court, one that would significantly restrict second amendment rights, defer to the federal government's ever-growing administrative state, and make it harder to enforce our immigration laws.

The fact Biden refuses to commit to keeping the Supreme Court at nine justices makes it painstakingly obvious he will support expanding the Court; otherwise, he would come out against the idea.

Senate Republicans should bring this issue to the forefront by voting on a constitutional amendment that would fix the size of our Supreme Court at nine justices.

Ideally, there would be the necessary sixty-seven votes to pass the Senate and send the bill to the House for a vote, and we could put to rest this dangerous idea.

Such a vote will also raise pressure on Biden to formalize his position.

Putting Amy Coney Barrett on the Court will be utterly inconsequential if Democrats turn around immediately to add justices in their effort to erase Trump's Presidency from the history books. 

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