Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Let The Economy Roll

Maybe the primary complaint against Kamala Harris is that voters don’t know who she is nor where she stands on issues, given her flip-flopping-for-votes campaign. But we can be sure that her instincts are to bridle the economy rather than unleash it.

Free markets secure private property and allow it to be applied to its most productive uses.

In a Harris economy, property is a good that the government can direct, squeeze and distort at its whim for political gain.

Free markets increase the wealth for all, not just those favored by whoever happens to control the government at any given time.

Free markets set prices - which Harris wants to fix using the power of government.

The profit incentive, discouraged and often blocked by government meddling, in an open economy benefits across the board.

No "System" devised by lazy malcontents such as Karl Marx and implemented by mass murderers such as Vladimir Lenin, nor managed by "Democratic" central planners in capital cities, will ever benefit humanity the way a free and open economy will.

As is often the case, Milton Friedman said it best decades ago: "Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself." That's a worthy epitaph for all socialist thought.

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