Friday, October 18, 2024

J6 prisoner Ryan Samsel sounds 'election fraud' alarm in 'D.C. gulag'

January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has sounded an alarm via text message from his jail tablet to WorldNetDaily while detained in general population of the Washington, D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility.

"Hey can you call LT brown at command center and ask why he took the mattress away and called me a cracker and is mad BC I had ppl call up there for my legal mail they wont give me," Samsel wrote.

Samsel's 2021 beatdown by jail guards resulted in the fracturing of his "Orbital floor and potentially untreated brain damage," according to his medical records.

Photographs of Samsel locked in a broom closet in a Philadelphia jail went viral across the internet, garnering attention from Gen. Mike Flynn and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Georgia, who called the torture of this defendant a "National disgrace." As Samsel has stated, he was locked in the broom closet for five months with the light left on, after guards discovered he was being smuggled food and coffee through the toilet.

Fellow J6 prisoner, Marine Corps veteran and Proud Boys leader Zachary Rehl has confirmed that he provided Samsel food, potentially saving his life when Samsel was being starved for nearly two weeks.

Samsel contends guards found crumbs of the coffee and dragged Samsel to a "Hard cell" with no toilet.

Support for Ryan Samsel's legal and medical battle is urgently needed.

Samsel's private sector doctor had prescribed immediate surgery as needed to remedy Samsel's blood-clotting condition before his Jan. 30, 2021 arrest, yet he has been repeatedly denied authorization for surgery by Judge Jia Cobb.

As WND has reported, Samsel filed pro se action in the Eastern District of New York asking a judge to grant him immediate medical treatment and examination, allowing doctors to re-diagnose his condition and finally allow him long-needed surgery.

Samsel attached his medical records to the pro se filing, citing numerous doctors who prescribed the required surgery.

" Although Samsel fights for his freedom and practically begs for medical treatment while being detained mostly in solitary confinement during his three-plus-year pretrial imprisonment, Epps was charged with a simple misdemeanor and has yet to be incarcerated.

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