Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Neo-Liberal Consensus Is Coming Apart

The global Covid response was the turning point in public trust, economic vitality, citizen health, free speech, literacy, religious and travel freedom, elite credibility, demographic longevity, and so much more. Now five years following the initial spread of the virus that provoked the largest-scale despotisms of our lives, something else seems to be biting the dust: the postwar neoliberal consensus itself. 

In Jared Kushner's telling, he went to his father-in-law following the lockdowns and said: We're scrambling to find supplies all over the world.

Regardless, the trends of 70 years came to be reversed, landing the US in new times, described by the Wall Street Journal in the event of a Trump victory in 2024: If it turns out that the tariff on China is 60% and the rest of the world is 10%, the U.S.' average tariff, weighted by the value of imports, would leap to 17% from 2.3% in 2023, and 1.5% in 2016, according to Evercore ISI, an investment bank.

In the waning days of the Second World War, a group of extremely smart and well-intended diplomats, statesmen, and intellectuals worked to secure the peace in the aftermath of the wreckage in Europe and around the world.

Today the core political fight in the world today concerns nation-states and the populist movements driving them versus the kind of globalism that brought a worldwide response to the virus as well as the worldwide migrant crisis.

The World Health Organization effectively scripted the pandemic response for the world.

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank, created as nascent institutions for a global system of money and finance, are exercising outsized influence on monetary and financial policy.

The World Trade Organization is working to diminish the power of the nation-state over trade policies.

The attendees were not only statesmen from all over the world but also the biggest financial firms and media outfits, along with representatives of the largest universities and nonprofits.

The world today is packed with wealthy institutions and individuals that stand in revolt against the ideas of freedom and democracy.

None of us have any influence over the policies of the WHO, World Bank, or IMF, much less over the Gates or Soros Foundations.

The way politics is structured in the world today, we are all necessarily disenfranchised in a world governed by global institutions.

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