Sunday, October 20, 2024

Making America Proud Again

The majority in this country wants normalcy. No, they demand normalcy. We want to see America Be Proud Again.

Following eight years of Obama, Hillary Clinton's disastrous negative campaign, a well-deserved respite under Donald Trump, and four years of the miserable Biden/Harris administration, we have endured constant allegations of racism, greed, xenophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, and, of course, the 'deplorable' behavior of Trump supporters.

We watched as he spoke in religious institutions with figures of Christ and saints covered in black sheets on his insistence.

To totally confound Black people, he did nothing for them.

Thank you! Obama and Obama via Biden fed the classic liberal with enough guilt to cause permanent harm to their delicate psyche and caused Democrats to do things no person with any common sense would think of doing-like Pelosi, Schumer, and company kneeling with kente cloths wrapped around their necks, giving homage to Blacks who suffered inequity in policing.

Inequity in policing? The arrest and incarceration of Black individuals was apparently excessive.

Going back a few decades, Johnson devised a scheme to guarantee that Black people would vote Democratic for the next "Two hundred years"-welfare.

Black single-parent households increased from 20% to more than 70%. Single-parent households among white families increased from 5% to 25%. Without a stable, two-parent household, children suffer, have a higher chance of going to jail, and perform poorly in school.

Despite spending trillions of dollars, the situation for the poor and Black people has not improved to any significant extent.

Abortion became legal, which specifically targeted Black women, as Planned Parenthood was intended to do.

Trump is no politician and thank God! Obama gutted NASA and our number-one aerospace position.

Obama decimated our military while rebuilding Iran-Obama's Iran Deal. 

We have had enough of DEI, mediocrity, ignoring our immigration laws, globalist aspirations, not prosecuting criminals, treating degeneracy as commonplace, slouching toward war, men being called toxic and feminized, and pessimism instead of optimism. We want to see an end to the burning of our flags in the streets, the destruction of statues, anti-semitism, and the participation of men in women's sports. The majority in this country wants normalcy. No, they demand normalcy.

We want to see America Be Proud Again.

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