Sunday, October 20, 2024

House Republicans fire shots at McConnell in court fight over proxy voting

 Ten House Republicans, led by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), argued on Wednesday to an appellate court that the House’s pandemic-era proxy voting rules were unconstitutional and pointedly accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) of flip-flopping his position on them.

McCarthy ended the proxy voting option when he took over the speaker’s gavel.

Read the amicus brief: Download this PDF

Former House Rules Committee ranking member Tom Cole (R-OK) observed in 2022 that “magically proxy voting doubles on Fridays.” Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, called the final omnibus vote, in which 226 members voted remotely, a “stain” on Congress.

Pelosi authorized proxy voting in 2020 in the name of COVID-19, effectively allowing lawmakers to vote remotely instead of in Washington, D.C., as long as they signed a form that cited the “ongoing health emergency.” The practice began drawing controversy as lawmakers from both parties openly abused the option, often appearing with no illness in their homes, on the campaign trail, or on vacation while casting House votes by proxy.

Circuit Court of Appeals, centers on the question of whether a quorum was present when more than half of the House voted by proxy on the omnibus bill.

In 2020, however, McConnell conveyed a different perspective when he warned former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) of the constitutional dilemma that her proxy voting policy could present.

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