Friday, October 18, 2024

Where Do These Mobs Come From? We Have an Answer.

Women dressed in "Handmaid's Tale" garb picketed in front of U.S. Supreme Court Justices' homes to pressure justices into changing their minds, insurrection-style, after the Dobbs draft decision was leaked.

Kamala Harris bused in "supporters" to a rally in what looked like an obvious effort to make her campaign look bigger than it is.

Democrat operatives sent agents provocateurs to Trump rallies to try and start fights while in line and disrupt his speeches in 2016.

In 2008, at a Hillary Clinton speech, a couple of guys heckled her with "Iron my shirts!"

Other three letter agencies, likely DHS agents, were part of the mob too.

Or were they paid protesters?

I got a press release from his PR folks a few months, back and Matt talked with him for a PJ Media story about the threat of violent mobs outside the Chicago Democrat convention in July.

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