Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Covid Exposed the Fall of Education Like Nothing Else

There should be no doubt that what is playing out in America's schools and core institutions is a "Stealth" strategy involving brainwashing, indoctrination, and power-grabbing-not honest teaching.

My granddaughter's public school teachers have apparently installed a Crimestop-like app in her tender psyche: Just hearing the disembodied word "Black" voiced in a mildly negative light triggers rote guilt in her.

The Bank School "is teaching white 6-year-olds they're born racist" Another example of what happens when a dominant orthodoxy gains control is offered in a report involving the Bank School, long considered an elite early educational institution.

" What is the Bank School doing? "An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they're born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from "White privilege," while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.

"Ever since Ferguson, the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum," said a parent who requested anonymity because he has children currently enrolled in the school.

"The left-wing leaders of public school systems across America are "Replacing education with indoctrination," author and activist Candace Owens [has stated].

"If you are a Black American and you go through the public school system like I went through, you come out and you are basically a propagandist for the left and you don't realize it," Owens [said].

" The tragic outcome, according to Owens, is a school system that is actually failing kids," especially Black kids.

Examples of the Decline of American Education "I want us to be feared." The Abolitionist Teaching Network's Love [said] that the network would "Create a national database of antiracist school counselors, therapists and lawyers." She said her group planned to pay its "Activists in residence" to travel around the country and "Go into schools or communities and do the work of dismantling." "If you don't recognize that White supremacy is in everything we do, then we got a problem," Love, who also chairs the board of directors, said.

Today, government schools use advanced methods including SEL to instill in children a radical new and oftentimes contradictory "Politically correct" value system.

What's the priority, teaching math and reading, or turning elementary schools into social-justice boot camps? Our jails and prisons already have too many woke illiterates.

"Foolish schools going for woke - lagging US kids need 3 Rs, not race theory," Jason L. Riley, 7/13/21.

"Are you sure your kid can read? All too many US public schools won't tell you the truth," Michael Benjamin, 10/2/21.

" Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress-reveals that of the 27 US urban school districts that reported their results for 2019, not one reported a majority of Black eighth-graders as being proficient in either math or reading.

"Only 6% of the kids at the school are proficient in reading, and only 4% of the kids are proficient in math.

"Rooftop Revelations: Parents must say 'no more excuses' when it comes to educating their kids: Parents need to demand accountability from schools, Pastor Corey Brooks says," Eli Steele, 1/27/22.

"In 2019, only 37% of third-graders in Illinois demonstrated grade-level proficiency in English-language arts, and when it came to math only 41% could demonstrate grade-level proficiency. Why would the state of Illinois consider new standards when it failed to uphold the most basic and universal of education standards? The disconnect between the progressive ideology driving these new standards and the realities on the ground could not be starker." Nearly half of the 20,500 public high school students in Baltimore earned less than a D average.

Our schools outspend 97% of other major school districts," Patterson said.

 "If almost half of our kids are failing, what options do they have after high school?" Baltimore is just one of many.

More than half of New York City's school kids struggle with basic math and English.

"Roughly 200 New York City schools saw a quarter of their kids absent from class on Tuesday, according to a Post analysis of Department of Education dataA total of 51 schools had absentee rates of 40 percent or higher on Tuesday while 24 had less than half of their kids in class." "Sixty-five percent of black and brown children don't meet proficiency in the NYC Department of Education." New York City [Mayor] Eric Adams spelled it out recently.

"New York keeps spending more on schools and getting less results," NY Post Editorial Board, 1/30/22.

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