Friday, October 18, 2024

Delusion in DC

In their minds, America still stands bestride the world like a colossus, dictating terms of peace and war to the lesser powers who lack our judgment and moral vision.

Joe Biden is fond of quoting Madeline Albright's assertion that America is the "Indispensable nation" that must work across the globe to secure democracy and freedom from the threat of aggression.

Albright herself argued that America "Stands taller and sees farther" than other nations.

America, as WWII proved, must be willing to fight the forces of aggression and international anarchy from both the standpoint of morality and self-interest.

America's embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years of bloodletting and money spent was a shocking rebuke of the power of liberal dogmas.

The reason for the disastrous airlift out of Kabul was the desire of American political leaders to extract these Afghans and bring them back to America.

Placing American boots on the ground is not feasible politically in America after the last several decades of war and failure in the Middle East.

Japan, after all, was a member of the League of Nations while America and the Soviet Union were not.

America will be forced to accept that our ability to manage the world has come to an end and that, contra all liberal expectations, it was always a chimera to begin with.

China, like Russia, has nuclear weapons and enough economic leverage over the rest of the world, America in particular, to insist on getting its way.

America's new woke DEI military simply is not up to the task of intervening all over the globe.

America no longer has any real interest in stationing troops in those places in a world of intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear submarines, drones, and cyberwarfare.

America must re-adopt a strategy of non-interference in world affairs.

America should not have abandoned that wise strategy, handed down to us by our Founders.

Had we pursued an America First foreign policy from 1991 onward, 9/11 would not have happened.

Without America being involved in the first Gulf War, we would not have had any reason to station troops in Saudi Arabia, thereby unknowingly provoking the wrath of Osama Bin Laden.

Imagine the past 30 years without terrorism and the security surveillance state at home and painful war abroad. America has no meaningful national interests in the Middle East.

America First means not being a slave to other countries' interests! Imagine simply not caring and not getting involved.

We can substitute "Europe" in the quote below for any other region on the planet outside of North America: Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none or a very remote relation.

America, in their view, must intervene everywhere in order to preserve peace and to secure her "Interest"-which means spreading democracy and ensuring it survives among our allies.

America would have been better off had we never been involved in the wars in Iraq and if we had never sent a single dime to the Ukrainians.

America should concern itself with American interests-preserving the right to life, liberty, and property of our citizens.

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