Sunday, October 20, 2024

J6: And Now Congress Knows the Rest of the Story

Nehls vocally criticized Nancy Pelosi, the J6 Committee, and Capitol Police leadership for their handling of January 6.

Two days later, while Congress was in recess and Nehls' office was supposedly vacant, they returned dressed as construction workers; however, they were caught by Nehl's staffer who chose to work through the holiday weekend.

On September 24, he hosted a congressional screening of the film The War On Truth.

Contrary to FBI Director Christopher Wray’s sworn testimony, FBI agents were taken off pedophile task forces to go after J6ers. Contrary to his sworn testimony, there were anarchist infiltrators leading the violence. We saw them. We filmed them. In the case of Antifa leader John Sullivan, they even filmed themselves.

As one Oversight Committee member stated at the end of the film, "We just didn't know this information. We didn't have it." Former ICE Director Tom Homan was visibly moved after seeing The War On Truth: "As a 34-year law enforcement professional, I'm angry. Why am I finding out this information from a movie instead of from the proper investigative agencies?" The War On Truth delivers some hard facts: As former Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson points out, "Everyone on the ground that day, MAGA supporters and Capitol Police were set up." If Johnson had not broken protocol and cleared the Senate and House on his own volition, J6 would have been a bloodbath.

What repercussions is Chris Wray facing? Troy Nehls and a small handful of congressional leaders have been searching for truth and justice.

As Lt. Johnson stated, "The truth will come out eventually, but will it come out before the November elections? Probably not." Big doors open and close on small hinges.

For the members of Congress who did not attend The War On Truth screening, they may still gain access to the film by contacting Rep. Nehl's office.

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