Wednesday, October 9, 2024

DHS Watchdog Underscores Risks of Biden-Harris ‘Catch and Release’ Schemes

Its 37 pages underscore the risks of the Biden-Harris administration’s migrant “catch and release” schemes, but all you need to read is one line: The Legal Immigration Process.

On September 30, the DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) — the department’s internal watchdog — issued another report with a lengthy and anodyne title: “CBP, ICE, and TSA Did Not Fully Assess Risks Associated with Releasing Noncitizens without Identification into the United States and Allowing Them to Travel on Domestic Flights”.

When foreign nationals seek to come to the United States legally, they must go through a two-step vetting process.

“Catch and Release” and the Commonality of Discarded Border Documents.

Most illegal migrants and other inadmissible applicants for admission released into the United States by the Biden-Harris DHS don’t want to stay at the border indefinitely.

If applicants fail to satisfy any of those requirements, they don’t get a visa and can’t come here legally.

During that process, applicants must establish their identities, prove that they do not have any diseases or crimes that would render them inadmissible to the United States, and show that they do not pose a national-security risk.

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