Friday, February 22, 2019

To Reduce Money in Politics, Slash the Size of Government

Only a delusional person would believe that lawmakers have the power to "Stamp out" money in politics any more than they have the power to "Stamp out" sexually transmitted diseases.

The Sacramento Bee recently published an analysis of spending on government lobbying and found that it rose again last year.

Lobbying spending has gone up - but only in tandem with growth in state government spending.

Reality check: Those groups whose existence is most dependent on the government are going to spend oodles on lobbying that government.

The biggest spender is government-mainly local governments influencing state government.

Columnist George Will asked if The New York Times would be OK if it were free to write what it wanted, but if the government controlled "The amount it can spend on journalists, paper, ink, printing presses, delivery trucks, advertisements, and so on." You get the point.

Maybe we can all embrace a reform idea that would actually work: reducing the size and power of government.

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