Monday, February 25, 2019

Pakistan Becomes Saudi Arabia's New Client State

MESA maybe the new bland vehicle for a seemingly gentler Arab NATO, but its covert sub-layer is, under Mr Bolton's guidance, as fixated on Iran, as was "Arab NATO" at the outset.

Iran's parliamentary Speaker has said that the attack that killed 27 members of Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps was "Planned and carried out, from inside Pakistan." Of course, such a provocative disruption into Iran's most ethnically sensitive province may mean "Nothing," but perhaps the renewed inflow of Gulf money, fertilizing a new crop of Wahhabi madrasa in Pakistan's Baluch province, may be connected - as IRCG Commander, General Sulemani's stark warning to Pakistan suggests.

"What the Saudis and Emiratis are expecting as follow-up in the near future is a certain"rebooting" of the traditional Afghan-Islamist ideology of the Taliban and its quintessentially nationalistic "Afghan-centric" outlook with a significant dosage of Wahhabi indoctrination [so as to] make it possible [to] integrate the Taliban into the global jihadi network and co-habitate it with extremist organisations such as the variants of Islamic State or al-Qaeda so that geopolitical projects can be undertaken in regions such as Central Asia and the Caucasus or Iran from the Afghan soil, under a comprador Taliban leadership.

General Votel, the head of Centcom told the US Senate Armed forces Committee on 11 February, "If Pakistan plays a positive role in achieving a settlement to the conflict in Afghanistan, the US will have opportunity and motive to help Pakistan fulfill that role, as peace in the region is the most important mutual priority for the US and Pakistan." MESA is quietly proceeding, but under the table.

The covert element to the MESA programme, targeting Iran, is ambitious, but it will be supplemented in the next months with new rounds of economic squeeze intended to sever Iran's oil sales, and with diplomatic action, aimed at disrupting Iran's links in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

The Taliban pointedly cancelled their last scheduled meeting with Pakistani officials at which renewed pressure was expected to be exerted on them to come to an agreement with Washington; the Taliban have a proud history of repulsing foreign occupiers; Iraq has no wish to become "Pig-in-the middle" of a new US-Iran struggle; the Iraqi government may withdraw "The invitation" for American forces to remain in Iraq; and Russia, would not want to be forced into choosing sides in any escalating conflict between the US, Israel and Iran.

More particularly, India will be disconcerted by the sight of the MESA "Tipping" toward Pakistan as its preferred ally - the more so as India, likely will view, the 14 February, vehicle-borne, suicide attack in Jammu-Kashmir that resulted in the deaths of 40 Indian police, as signaling the Pakistan military recovering sufficiently confidence to pursue their historic territorial dispute with India over Jammu-Kashmir.

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