Saturday, February 23, 2019

Look What CNN Is Outraged Over Now

Where is the outrage over the Obama administration spying on its political opponent's presidential campaign when caught, using unverified opposition research to obtain a FISA warrant to cover its misdeeds? Followed by finagling a special counsel appointment to put the blanket of investigational secrecy over its illegal and treasonous activities? No outrage.

There are plenty more examples of media outrage over false stories that the media dutifully presented only one side of as part of their agenda journalism.

CNN employees, led by one of their gadflies, Brian Stelter, are fit to be tied, "[q]uestioning whether her sudden leap from the Trump administration to the CNN newsroom is an ethical breach.

Obama's director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, neck deep in spy-gate, is an official CNN correspondent whom CNN host Chris Cuomo welcomed to the "Family."

For CNN to be outraged over a former Trump administration official joining its ranks is both hypocritical and silly.

Big media have had plenty to be outraged over during the tough times they have been living through in the age of Trump the Terrible.

The media are outraged over the silly, like how President Trump gets two scoops of ice cream or doesn't have a pet dog in the White House.

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