Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Democrats' 'Anti-Lynching' Law Makes a Mockery of Real Lynching Victims

The act then goes on to describe efforts by Congress before 1968 to "End lynching," and it also references its efforts since 1968 to "Apologize to the victims of lynching and their descendants." But never once does the initial "Findings" section of the act suggest that acts of lynching are still prevalent, therefore requiring new powers or correction today, because no data as to lynching in America are provided beyond the year of 1968.

Some Americans took notice of the illogical inclusion of attacks against gays or transgenders as an example of "Lynching." After all, isn't this bill ostensibly meant to "Honor the victims" of the actual travesty of lynching in America? And there is not one cited historical precedent in the bill of lynching suffered by homosexuals or transgenders.

Here's what's new: according to the "Justice for the Victims of Lynching Act," if the attack occurs "During the course of, or as a result of," the "Defendant or the victim ... using a phone, the internet," or "The mail," then the crime might now be subject to federal prosecution under the new law.

It is not hyperbole to say that this language in the Democrats' proposed law makes a mockery of every victim of an actual lynching in America's history.

They are using the horrific legacy of lynching against blacks in the Jim Crow South to advance a political agenda that has nothing to do with honoring the murdered victims of historical racism and everything to do with advancing federal power and identity politics at the expense of the memory of the true historical victims of racism.

Since no one will read the bill, how could anyone possibly be against a "Justice for the Victims of Lynching Act"?

When Senate Democrats offered their proposed new law, the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act of 2018, I had assumed that it would be a symbolic congressional action to recognize these injustices that took place and to honor the victims.

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