Sunday, February 24, 2019

Deplorable McCabe Enabled by Dormant Pelley Brings '60 Minutes' and America to New Low

  1. McCabe discusses his meeting with Rod Rosenstein from the Justice Department and the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment to take Trump out of office.
  2. Are you kidding me? A reporter on 60 Minutes, the former anchor of CBS Evening News (the seat once held by Walter Cronkite) did not dig in on the fact that McCabe's wife was bought by the Clinton machine and then her husband did not recuse himself when asked to head the investigation into her emails.
  3. Here Pelley does not ask one question of McCabe as to his higher responsibility since Rosenstein was neither a cabinet officer nor was Trump incapacitated.
  4.  The fact that McCabe could not see this as problematic that his wife was running for a partisan political office while he was in a key position at the FBI is flummoxing.
  5. It took McCabe nine months to recuse himself after overseeing the investigation because of the blatant conflict of interest.
  6. McCabe counters Trump';s statement by stating people were shocked; they were very sad. He writes in his book that people were gathered in groups and crying.
  7. Did Pelley ask McCabe why he did not immediately recuse himself and waited ninth months? Of course not.
  8. I contend the single biggest mistake of the Trump presidency was not firing Comey on his first day.
  9. First, Comey had informed Trump three times he was not personally under investigation.
  10. Yet in McCabe's first meeting with Trump, he determined Trump was potentially under Russian influence.
  11. The fact that these two men would be discussing the 25th Amendment with so little knowledge of what the language states are criteria for removing a president from office stupefies any knowledgeable person.
  12. Pelley and McCabe just skate over this proposed act of treason.
  13. If this is so, then we need a real house cleaning at the FBI because anybody being shocked James Comey was fired should not being dealing with our national intelligence or investigating crimes.
  14. Running for a state Senate seat is not dabbling; it is jumping into the water feet first.
  15. McCabe says he did not have much to contribute when Rosenstein brought it up.
  16. Pelley cites the fact the ties between all this was brought out in an article in the WSJ.
  17. Let's hit some highlights that will define the gross malfeasance of Andrew McCabe.
  18. This is a country that has one-tenth the economy of China a country which has been stealing our trade secrets, challenging our military and attacking our technical infrastructure for years.

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