Monday, February 25, 2019

Socialism: Taking Bread from the mouths of those who earned it

Under their form of government, everyone will have to live in government housing and travel on government provided mass transportation; that is except the socialist ruling class.

Bernie, like all the other socialists politicians, is extremely wealthy, and nobody with common sense believes that rich socialist Demonrats, like Pelosi, Waters or Schumer, would increase taxes on themselves, but that's what they claim they intend to do.

These socialist miscreants want all Americans totally dependent on government for everything.

As a side note, the ruling class in socialist countries do not stand in bread lines or share in the misery of the masses.

On top of that, socialist Democrats worry that there's not enough brainwashed people in America to keep them in power, so they decided it's necessary to import people who will support their socialist agenda by opening our borders to foreign invaders who are accustomed to living under tyrannical socialism and have to rely on the government for support.

In their utopia, the masses eat the government's soylent green slop, and the socialist ruling class eat steak and caviar.

Finally, in his First Inaugural Address in 1801, Thomas Jefferson stated : "A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned, this is the sum of good government." Communism, which is pure socialism, takes the bread from those who earn it, and Socialist Democrats, like their Russian counterparts, want to take the bread from the mouths of those who earned it and use it for their own gain.

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