Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How the asylum invasion allows the cartels to flood us with criminals

Every week, we see more examples of violent criminal aliens in this country who have often been deported multiple times but find their way back into the country while our border agents are drafted into babysitting services for Central American migrants.

In an interview with CR, Jones said he believes these people who come in armed while Border Patrol is dealing with the family units are working for the cartels.

"Smugglers carry firearms into the country to protect high-value commodities that usually belong to higher-ranking members of the Mexican cartels." Jones explained that the concern of them reacting in "Desperation" to protect goods for the cartels is "Why you see more specialized law enforcement units like Special Operations Division being utilized to arrest when intelligence indicates firearms are being used by smugglers."

Can you imagine how many more cartel and criminal elements were able to slip in while our agents were tied up, just as bad as the guys caught in Arizona?

How do people like that keep entering our country? They do so while our Border Patrol is used as a hospital, babysitting service, bed and breakfast, and transportation hub for the world's migrant populations.

Nobody truly knows how many criminals come in undetected, and nobody even knows all of the illegal aliens who commit crimes but whose identities are covered up by sanctuary cities and judges.

Just remember, every time you see a new caravan of poor Central Americans, another murderer, rapist, drug trafficker, and armed robber is able to sneak in with the help of cartels and transnational gangs so they can harm more Americans.

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