Thursday, February 28, 2019

House somehow votes to notify ICE when illegals try to buy guns

Either way, the new background check bill that passed in the House yesterday wound up including an amendment that requires ICE to be notified when an illegal alien attempts to purchase a firearm in the United States.

The amendment to the bill was added via a motion to recommit.

Republicans scored a rare victory in the Democrat-controlled House Wednesday, winning a vote to have authorities notify deportation officers any time an illegal immigrant tries to buy a gun.

It's illegal for those in the country without legal status to have firearms, but an average of more than 10 a day try anyway.

Republicans offered an amendment to a broader gun background check bill to have the National Instant Criminal Background Check System report them to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which could then decide if it wants to pick them up for deportation.

Usually, when Democrats talk about passing new gun control laws, many of us shake our heads and try to remind them that we probably wouldn't need any new gun laws if we could manage to start enforcing the ones that are already on the books.

The NICBC system would be able to flag the location of an illegal alien for ICE and identify them as someone attempting to illegally purchase a firearm.

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