Friday, April 27, 2018

Worthwhile Reads 3

Socialist billionaire George Soros is working closely with the Democrat party to unleash resources and propaganda to convince an misguided/uninformed public to buy their great idea that America should adopt socialism and rid the nation of its "hateful and failed" federal republican system of government.  To them socialism is a dream system. Works every time.  Any past flaws/failures were because of improper implemented.  As everyone knows American Democrats are the smartest, most responsible, most tolerant, most honorable and of course the most ethical people in the world and they will implement it the right way. They have the know how. Their record of achievements across an array of policies including political correctness, identity politics, race baiting, censorship, government run healthcare, income redistribution, "free" government handouts, unlimited support of illegal immigrants and Muslim refugees, disregard for laws and high taxation, and much, much more is truly staggering...  If you would like to see more...  then here is their proposed recipe for guaranteed failure.

The DOJ OIG reports are emerging and providing considerable detail regarding the Obama Administration's unsavory practices.  This item focusses on the DOJ and FBI and their unethical and potentially illegal behavior.  Quote: "The release of the McCabe IG report has been the buzz of the media recently. Largely ignored by the mainstream media, though. However, there’s one bombshell within the report that is largely going uncovered – the fact that a top DOJ official ordered the FBI to shut down their investigation into criminal activities within the Clinton Foundation."   And, "At this point, the evidence that both the FBI and DOJ have acted and are acting as biased, partisan organizations is beyond compelling. Already, some members of the FBI and DOJ have had to answer for such actions, but there is much more work to be done before justice is achieved."  The video embedded in this link provides details.    This is an example of the lack of ethics that defines the Obama administration.
This is a very good question. Quote: "Do the 180 erased, ‘hacked’ DNC computers constitute obstruction of justice?"  Quote: "Given the admitted destruction of evidence by the DNC to support their civil suit that absolutely alleges crimes were committed, it is incumbent on the court to ensure that all forensic data, correspondence and all other communications related to the hack be protected and preserved not only at the DNC but at Crowdstrike, the DNC-paid for IT firm that did the only analysis of the DNC systems, and Perkins Coie, the law firm that hired them."  And, "“DNC leadership in apparent collusion with the Obama FBI was given custodianship over key evidence related to whether or not Russia attempted to hack the DNC’s computers. At some point since that allegation was initially made in 2016, James Comey’s FBI should have taken possession of those computers and servers, but failed."
There can be little doubt that this man who served as Obama's CIA Director is a bad, bad man. While the Democrats harp over Trump's supposed collusion with Russia, ample evidence exists that the Democrats "actually" did. Now it has been revealed that this friend of Obama's who in the past voted for communists for president of the USA visited Russia in the run-up to the last election. Quote: "The Russians say he did, and while some might say, well, these are the same Russians who helped put together the Steele dossier filled with "salacious and unverified" material, and may once again be playing with us, there is evidence that Brennan, the man who voted for communist Gus Hall for president, did make the trip in March 2016 for purposes unknown."  And, "Now, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for a CIA director to make a trip to Moscow, but when a Russian deputy foreign minister says he didn't visit the Foreign Ministry itself but did visit the KGB's successor, the Federal Security Service (FSB), it raises some eyebrows. Consider that John Brennan is a Trump-hating perjurer who lied to Congress about secret surveillance.  He is the crown prince of a Deep State fiefdom that has its own agenda.  The end justifies the means in their world, and Brennan may have been up to his eyeballs in developing that "insurance policy" against a Trump victory. "
This is so sad to watch.  The political left Democrats seek to justify the unjustifiable.  They are truly a lost bunch of souls. For Nancy Pelosi to defy the meaning of the very words in Comey's memos is insanity.   Quote: "And for the Democrats who keep saying ‘no there there,’ like that idiot Nancy Pelosi yesterday, who says the memos confirm everything she’s ever said – God help us, what an idiot!"    Are there no honest, decent, intelligent, law abiding Democrats left in existence????   Are they all in love with criminality???

A one hundred percent on target observation.

This short piece is filled with nothing but the truth. Quote: "The political left often sells its ideas on the premise that they are new and exciting — part of the reason that younger generations are more attracted to them than their older counterparts. Strangely enough, however, most of these ideas are far older than modern proponents are willing to accept. Take socialism, for example. Most people associate the term with Karl Marx, but the Prussian-born author wasn’t the first to propose such a society as an ideal state of being. Even so, his progressive followers in America brought it to the mainstream as a new system — a lie that politicians like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders seem perfectly happy to perpetuate."

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