Friday, April 27, 2018

Worthwhile Reads 1

A message which, if followed by all of us, would make for a much better world.

Pat Buchanan usually has something useful to say or at least informative.  This is one such item.  Quote: "How long can we sustain a worldwide empire of dependencies? How many wars of this century — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen — turned out to have been worth the blood shed and the treasure lost? And what have all the “color-coded revolutions” we have instigated to advance “democracy” done for America? In a New York Times essay, “Adapting to American Decline,” Christopher Preble writes: “America’s share of global wealth is shrinking. By some estimates, the United States accounted for roughly 50 percent of global output at the end of World War II. … It has fallen to 15.1 percent today.” Preble continues: “Admitting that the United States is incapable of effectively adjudicating every territorial dispute or of thwarting every security threat in every part of the world is hardly tantamount to surrender. It is rather a wise admission of the limits of American power.” It is imperative, wrote Walter Lippmann, that U.S. commitments be brought into balance with U.S. power. This “forgotten principle … must be recovered and returned to the first place in American thought.” That was 1943, at the height of a war that found us unprepared. We are hugely overextended today. And conservatives have no higher duty than to seek to bring U.S. war guarantees into conformity with U.S. vital interests and U.S. power."

This financial analyst claims that over the years our government has somehow "Lost" $20 trillion. Details here. Quote: "Alert to pension fund managers all over the planet—and to everyone else—  “If 1,000 US and global pension fund managers start asking questions it could change everything – like stopping a nuclear war.” That’s a statement from former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and now president of Solari, Inc., Catherine Austin Fitts, who is a financial analyst like no other in our time.  Among other feats, she has identified a giant sucking black hole in the US government. And what has disappeared down that hole is money. Over the years, at least $20 trillion.  Unaccounted for.  Gone."  And, "The devil is in the details, and Fitts has uncovered an astonishing number of them."  And, "Fitts was once an insider and had a front row seat at the money circus. Now, her ongoing enterprise is I highly recommend it to you."

These are principles and should be considered valid no matter ones political persuasion.

Some good lessons to be learned here. Quote: "Cultural Marxism is, like all collectivist ideologies, Utopian.  By divorcing intentions from consequences it not only insulates itself from criticism but sells itself as a path to higher plane of spirituality which it can’t deliver."

This item discusses the character of many of the type of people who gravitate towards politics.  It is not a good story and the characterizations play out in the behavior and words uttered by so very many of our current crop of professional politicians. Quote: "It is tempting to say that this is just the natural result of democracy. There is a lot of truth there, as this was the result of Athenian democracy, as well. The standard critique of democracy is that it brings together a bunch of not so smart and wise people, expecting them to be collectively what they are not individually. Dumb people do not become smart when their numbers increase. Therefore, the antidote to the defects of democracy is limiting the franchise to the best people. That’s the argument for a representative republic. The counter to this is the public is almost always choosing between two terrible choices when they go to vote. It’s not that they are choosing poorly, so much as they can only choose poorly. At election time, you get to select between two degenerate sociopaths, so the result is fixed. It’s hard to blame the public for bad choices, given what we see on display in our elections. The reason Trump is in the White House, despite his long list of liabilities, is he was the most honest guy on stage. Think about that for a second."   This is the reason we need term limits for political office from top to bottom of the public service chain.  The founders never in their wildest dreams even considered the possibility that we would succumb to being led by career politicians.  That is what we now have and it is a disaster.   This item provides just one of many examples of the worthless people who think they are the smartest and most important people in the country.

Does anyone still think Hillary is not guilty of mishandling classified information? Conducting classified business over her personal unclassified system? Co-mingling State Department and Clinton Foundation interests (is against the law)? Lying through her teeth multiple times?    This is a new pile of evidence on top of the mountains already on hand.   And, does anyone still think Jim Comey was right saying she did not knowingly or purposefully violate the law?

This is an honest question.  Why does the left get away with abject hypocrisy?  Christian bakeries must bake gay and lesbian wedding cakes and bar owners can throw out Trump supporters.  What happens when gay or lesbian bakers refuse to bake a Christian wedding cake???  That has really happened. Did anyone on the left or right file a lawsuit or put the business out of business???    And get this, the NYTs has released stories complaining that Christian owned Chic-Fil-A restaurants are polluting the areas where they are located.  If Christians complain they are called haters.  I ask you, who are the real haters? They are easy to find because they all belong on the left side of the political equation. 

This black congressman was not only displayed his ignorance of these two black women supporters of Trump but he was also treated the women with disrespect, just like Democrats have always treated blacks.   Even black leftist Democrats mistreat their black brothers and sisters with a smug air of superiority.

Don't think Democrats are obstructionists?  Check this out.   Republicans did not do the same to Obama's appointees.  Another reason one can say Democrats are hateful.

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