Saturday, April 28, 2018

Bernie Sanders' & Cory Booker's Job Guarantee Plans Are a Bad Idea

Three Democratic senators eyeing the 2020 presidential campaign have in recent weeks floated the idea of a federal "Jobs guarantee." They want to offer dignified, useful, and well-paying jobs for Americans who have fallen on hard economic times.

These proposals are deeply incoherent, and the notion of the government's guaranteeing people a job is anathema to American principles.

Senator Bernie Sanders wants to enforce the program across the country, while Cory Booker wants to test the idea with a pilot program in 15 localities.

Generally, under a jobs-guarantee program, anyone could go to the government and receive a job.

Many of the jobs-guarantee plans would index government wages to inflation, potentially causing an inflationary spiral as private employers face pressure to continue paying workers more for their labor.

In short, the only thing this program would truly guarantee is an expansion of the power and size of the federal government at the expense of sound economics.

There is the jobs guarantee, a half-baked attempt at dirigisme that, if implemented, would have woeful consequences. 

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