Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why I Vigorously Defend President Trump's Rights

Many traditional civil libertarians have allowed their strong anti-Trump sentiments to erase their long-standing commitment to neutral civil liberties.

Today's fair-weather civil libertarians are unwilling to give President Trump - who they regard as the devil - the "Benefit of law" and civil liberties.

What responsibility, if any, did Robert Mueller, who was in key positions of authority and capable of preventing these horrible miscarriages have for this sordid incident? A former member of the parole board - a liberal Democrat who also served as mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts - swears that he saw a letter from Mueller urging the denial of release for at least one of these wrongfully-convicted defendants.

If in fact Mueller wrote such a letter, without thoroughly investigating the circumstances, he surely bears some responsibility.

Recently, a former federal judge, who used to be a civil libertarian, rushed to Mueller's defense, declaring "Without equivocation" that Mueller "Had no involvement" in the massive miscarriage of justice.

All civil libertarians should want the truth about this sordid episode - and Mueller's possible role in it - regardless of its impact, if any, on the Trump investigation.

Too many former civil libertarians are prepared to sacrifice civil liberties and the quest for truth on the altar of "Get Trump." 

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