Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What they do & say

Evidence is emerging that far left liberal billionaire George Soros, a major funder of the Democrat party, funded activities that led to the Ferguson debacle.  Quote: "Soros’ Open Society Foundation played a key role in organizing protests on the ground in Ferguson, sponsoring small-scale movements with national social media campaigns. Other groups funded by Soros spent their days monitoring American media to make sure they didn’t miss anything else they could use to their advantage. By dragging in largely-unrelated cases and comments, the groups were able to keep the media interested in the protests, fueling the ongoing movement long beyond its natural expiration date. The growing protests in the streets of Ferguson were made up not of town residents, says the Washington Times, but of bussed-in activists from groups like the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference in Chicago and the Center for Community Change in Washington, all of which enjoy funding from none other than George Soros." 
They are a member of NATO and we also thought they were an ally.  Seems that they are not our friend.  Quote: "Turkish intelligence, under the apparent direction of then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, allegedly has been authorizing the smuggling of arms to al-Qaida cells in Syria, according to informed Turkish sources."    http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/busted-turkey-caught-smuggling-weapons-to-al-qaida/ This is typical liberal reaction to events.  They, in this case, blame the country and not the perpetrators.  http://totalconservative.com/when-liberals-blame-the-victims/

Senator Feinstein resigns from the Military Construction Committee amid reports of ethics violations.   http://www.metroactive.com/metro/03.21.07/dianne-feinstein-resigns-0712.html

Quote: "And its [ISIS] strategic goal is to establish an Islamic caliphate through armed conflict with governments it considers apostate -- including Iraq, Syria, and the United States."   http://townhall.com/columnists/terryjeffrey/2015/01/14/what-do-the-islamic-state-and-communists-have-in-common-n1943032/page/full

Liberalism cannot make it in the radio talk show business.  Even liberal TV channels such as CNN and MSNBC are distant wannabes compared to Fox News.  Why?http://townhall.com/columnists/emmetttyrrell/2015/01/15/why-are-there-no-lefties-on-talk-radio-n1943028/page/full

New York state gun laws are unconstitutional.  Here is a case study.   http://patriotnewsdaily.com/the-ominous-story-of-donald-montgomery/ 

Washington state is moving further and further to the left. Quote: "It’s stunning to see how obviously hypocritical liberals are willing to be in their pursuit of social justice. These business owners aren’t turning gay people away at the door. They aren’t refusing to hire homosexuals. They are declining to participate in a ceremony that was illegal in all 50 states only a few short years ago."     http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/washington-state-chipping-away-at-religious-freedom/

George Burns

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