Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mr. Obama's Illegal Immigration Policies And America's Unemployed

Regarding Obama's Immigration Executive Orders "The administration claims the policy is “challengeable by no plaintiff, reviewable by no court, and subject to no public input,” lawyers for the states said in an 88-page [court] filing [challenging their legality]. The last U.S. president to take this stance was Harry Truman, and the Supreme Court blocked executive orders he issued during a steelworkers’ labor dispute in 1952."  How's that for abiding the interests of the public and observing the rights granted the states by the Constitution?  He just wants us to shut up and believe what he says and accept without question everything he does.

Another item depicting the huge damage Obama's amnesty efforts have wrought.  Quote: "The federal case against Obama’s executive amnesty is getting ready to start, and the documents 24 states have provided to the court detail the economic burdens his actions have caused. The crux of the case is on the constitutionality of the president’s actions, but the states must prove they are directly harmed by the actions to bring a lawsuit. In more than 1,100 submitted documents, they proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are legally entitled to sue."

This is just one outcome from the president's illegal illegal immigration policies.  Quote: "Activists supporting Obama's actions are "Proclaiming that “no human is illegal,” liberal activists prefer to use softer language when referring to the law breakers. Of course, this is in line with their efforts to force changes to the language whenever they think they can wring political expediency out of the change. We’ve seen it happen with abortion, guns, gays, race, mental health, physical health, and nearly every other topic you could think of. Liberals learned a long time ago how powerful language shifts can be when you want to change minds."

Explain to me how it is that Obama can claim he has put the economy on the right track yet according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics "A record 92,898,000 Americans 16 years and older did not participate in the labor force last month, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics."?   Now also explain to me how granting amnesty to millions of illegals will help those almost 93 million work eligible Americans without jobs.

But if you still think both Obama's economic and illegal alien policies are good for America, please check out this analysis of the above referenced jobs report.  Quote: "The official unemployment rate is 5.6%. However, if you start counting all the people who want a job but gave up, all the people with part-time jobs that want a full-time job, all the people who dropped off the unemployment rolls because their unemployment benefits ran out, etc., you get a closer picture of what the unemployment rate is. That number is in the last row labeled U-6.  U-6 is much higher at 11.2%. Both numbers would be way higher still, were it not for millions dropping out of the labor force over the past few years."   So, if we deal in reality the actual current unemployment number is even larger than the U-6's 11.2%.  Because America's real unemployment numbers were so bad the government changed its long standing reporting strategy by stopping use of the U-6 number several years ago and replacing it with the more palatable numbers cited above.  Current government and mainstream media policy is to hide the truth about how many Americans are really unemployed.  What we don't know wont hurt us, the think.  Tell that to the 93 million out of work.

George Burns

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