Saturday, January 10, 2015

France’s problem: up to half its prisoners are Muslim and the jails are a hotbed for radicalization

The 27-year-old man photographed in 2009 seemed to represent hope springing from Paris’s desperate suburbs. Part of a work-insertion program, he was about to meet then-French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who was trying to combat high youth unemployment.
French policeAmedy Coulibaly was killed Friday after seizing hostages in a Jewish supermarket in Paris.
Politicians were not exactly popular in the suburban projects, he told Le Parisien, but he nonetheless hoped to collect autographs for his family. “In a pinch, maybe the president can help me get hired,” he said.
The man was Amedy Coulibaly, who was killed Friday after seizing hostages in a Jewish supermarket in Paris, an attack he claimed was in support of the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq & Al-Sham. A close associate of Said and Chérif Kouachi, the two brothers who attacked the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo Wednesday, Coulibaly is a symbol of the huge challenges lying ahead for France. 

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