Wayne Allen Root hits the nail on the head. Wake up America. Stop believing the lies. http://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2015/01/13/heres-how-gop-can-destroy-myth-of-obama-economy-n1942073/page/full
Not a good picture. Quote: "On
virtually every front, the focus of America’s non-representative
agencies is increasingly on policing the public and enforcing
unlegislated regulatory structures envisioned by bureaucrats. It is the
inevitable course of an expanding, increasingly centralized government
led by self-perceived elite who are tasked with prosecuting
non-compliance. This is also a path that leads those nations toward
despotism. If that seems a distant and unlikely prospect today, surely
the same would have been said a generation ago of the Heinleinian
surveillance state in which we currently live and the cynicism of the
favored few who administer it." http://townhall.com/tipsheet/townhallmagazine/2015/01/10/the-long-slow-march-into-tyranny-n1941234?
Sadly this really is what they do & say. Many, if not most, seem not to realize how wrong they are. http://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2015/01/11/as-if-on-cue-n1941405/page/full
And, this man actually won a Nobel Prize for economics. http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/michaelschaus/2015/01/11/paul-krugmans-talent-for-turning-liberal-idiocy-into-a-career-option-n1941333/page/full
I must say that some of the
things I have heard and read from atheists make me think many of them do
not have an intelligent grasp of unreality of their own views. While I
agree with some of what this author writes, I do not believe science
can or has proven any of the items he appears to believe they have. http://unfilteredpatriot.com/atheist-religious-beliefs-only-for-unintelligent/
Speaker Boehner may have a
conflict of interest when it comes to Obamacare. Check out his
investment portfolio. Could this be why he has been so reluctant to
repeal, scale down or defund this disastrous law? http://www.wnd.com/2015/01/boehner-profits-from-obamacare-stocks/
Recall all the hype the left
cast at republicans for their big money supporters. Been doing it for
years. Is it true? Lets take a look at the facts behind the 2014
elections. You will learn that this is just another one of the
multitude of manipulative lies perpetrated by the left. thttp://www.politico.com/story/2015/01/blue-billionaires-on-top-114151.html
This left leaning news magazine
takes on Christianity. Their approach is so biased as to be
nonsensical. This is just another useless rag taking pot shots at
Christians and by extension the founding principles of this nation. My
guess is they do not have the guts to take on a real problem like
radical Islam. It would shock them to read what the Koran and other
Islamic holy book have to say about them being that they are likely
non-Muslims. http://preservefreedom.org/what-one-magazine-said-about-the-bible-has-christians-seeing-red/
This highlights the illogic of radical leftists exercising their rights not granted to others. http://www.redstate.com/2015/01/09/destruction-because-of-offense-je-suis-kelvin-cochran/
Something to think about. http://eaglerising.com/13766/liberals-explode-find-duggars-christmas/
George Burns
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