Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Random Things

The left's view of Diversity being a good thing is a myth.  Read what Walter Williams has to say "Meanwhile, in the United States, no one seems to be drawing any lessons about the dangers of importing millions of people from fundamentally different cultures across our open border. In America, "diversity" has still not yet lost its magical ability to stop thought in its tracks and banish facts into the outer darkness.  Perhaps here, as in Europe, that verbal magic can only be washed away in the blood of innocent victims, many of them yet unborn."

If this turns out to be true it will be really bad for the president.

Ask yourself what in the world is the legal basis for this ridiculous ACLU lawsuit.

Tax hikes on the rich have devastating consequences.  But, does our President care?

Do you still think that government/environmentalists efforts to restore/save the wolves in the wild was a good idea?

This comedian is suffering the wrath of this protected class.  Almost reminds me of that other protected class, the Islamists.  

Some of his executive orders opens up a path for more terrorist attacks on the homeland.

This is a sad commentary on how low the morality of many on the left has sunk.

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