government spending is out of control. Quote: "To put the problem of
overspending in perspective, consider what is perhaps the most striking
chart in the Heritage report. It’s titled “What if a typical family
spent money like the federal government?” It notes that the median
family income is $52,000: “If they spent money like the federal
government, they’d spend $60,400 a year, which would mean they’d put
$8,400 on the credit card each year, despite already being $308,800 in
debt." http://townhall.com/columnists/edfeulner/2015/01/10/the-unsustainability-of-federal-spending-n1941029/page/full
Here is just one of many
examples of how spending is out of control. This specific heist of
American tax payer dollars is unconscionable. The UN has long been a
rouge agency claiming to do good but filled with majority members of
rogue nations its claims in many cases have no credibility. http://humanevents.com/2015/01/09/when-the-fox-watches-the-henhouse-the-chickens-are-barbecued-and-the-taxpayers-get-the-bill/
This liberal mayor of Houston
who happens to be a lesbian claims that pastors have no right to a trial
by jury. Quote: She seems to have forgotten that "...citizens have the
right to a trial by a jury of their peers as the Sixth Amendment
guarantees." http://eaglerising.com/13699/houston-mayor-says-pastors-no-right-jury-trial
makes a whole lot of sense to those of us having open minds. Quote:
"Liberals are the mirror image of everything they claim to hate. Their
hypocrisy knows no bounds, their ability to unflinchingly examine their
own beliefs is practically non-existent and they are almost incapable of
objectively examining the policies they advocate. The more fully people
become engulfed by liberalism, the more they embrace political
correctness, groupthink, and close-mindedness until their thought
process becomes little more than simplistic tribalism." http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2015/01/10/7-ways-liberals-are-just-as-bad-as-the-people-they-hate-most-n1941111/page/full
is an established fact that the liberal left/progressives divide the
population into groups and cater to their respective interests.
Consequently to them these respective groups are to be protected using
government policies to do so. In this particular case one of these
protected groups is responsible for producing 66% of serial
killers. Quote: "... in a dated study
conducted in 2003, 69% of serial killers were either self-described
homosexuals or engaged in homosexual behavior “immediately, prior to,
during or after committing their murders.”
In verifying and updating this
number, a random sampling of 59 U.S. serial killers after 1960 was
collected and studied. Of those 59 convicted murderers, 39 were found to
be gay, 66%." You may not like learning this but facts are facts. It
would be more rational to treat all people equally and not provide
favored categories special privileges. http://libertynewsnow.com/gay-communitys-serial-killer-problem/article657?
Lastly, this item provides facts
that highlight errors of liberal/progressive thinking and the
recklessness of their narratives. Some of the data presented will
likely surprise you. http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2015/01/13/15-statistics-that-destroy-liberal-narratives-n1942063?
George Burns
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