Sunday, January 18, 2015


Why is it that so many atheists seek to impose their will on those of us who believe in God?

This illustrates the lack of ethics and hypocrisy of  The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC).  Quote:  "When Martha Boneta purchased the farm from the PEC in 2006, the property was a dump.  Trash was strewn all over the place, and a tree was growing in the dilapidated barn.  As far as anyone can tell, the PEC did nothing to restore the farm in the six years that it owned it.  At great personal expense, Martha rehabilitated the property, turning it into the beautiful working farm that it is today.  Instead of applauding Martha’s environmental stewardship, the PEC, which for years had been an absentee owner, has harassed her relentlessly."

What this man says is unbelievable.  I do not know how Ernst can tolerate coming out in public and repeating such arrogant statements in support of who I think is the most incompetent president in history.  Quote: "Obama's humble view of his own skills at running other people's businesses is perfectly in line with his assessment of his political skills. Obama famously told his speechwriter Patrick Gaspard in 2008, "I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director."

This item characterizes the unethical side of our president.  His perverse interests are run counter to long standing American principles.

This is the man Nancy Pelosi has selected to sit on the House Intelligence Committee.   This is an item describing Pelosi's selection.

This man is a racist provocateur extraordinaire.  Quote: "While demonstrations stemming from these incidents are continuing into 2015, Sharpton wasted no time finding a new and tenuous angle on the story by connecting the recent nominees for this year’s Academy Awards to Ferguson. As Western Journalism reported, the fact that all of the honored actors on the list are white created a firestorm of criticism online."

Planned Parenthood should not receive one red dime of taxpayers money.  They claim to be doing good but their deviant actions bely that claim.  This is what they claim is relevant and good sex education for teenagers.  Quote: "A California school district has posted online a defense of its use of Planned Parenthood personnel for public school sex-education courses amid new allegations that one of the workers calls herself a “pleasure activist” and another leads demonstrations at a nearby “sex toy porn shop” called Good Vibrations."  And, "The fracas developed a few weeks ago when it was reported that 13- and 14-year-old students at Acalanes High School were given a Planned Parenthood class in which “The Genderbread Person”  was used to explain they could choose what sex they wanted to be."

George Burns

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