Thursday, January 8, 2015

About Education

Quote: "Perhaps the best argument against federal testing mandates is that there is no authority for federal involvement with education, period. It is simply not legal for the national government to tell states what to do with their schools. Not only that, federal bossypants behavior has not benefitted children. So there really is no point, except to supply and inflate the salaries and egos of the already-upper-income meddlers determining education policy."

This item addresses the problem with schools failing to teach so very many children how to read.  A short footnote.  Back in the early 70's for a short time I taught US and World History to high school students.  I was astounded by the number of students who could not read the text.  They had simply been passed along by the system.  My guess is that in many locations it is worse today than then.

So very true.  Quote: "There is no doubt that our schools are places where a leftist agenda is being pushed but it gets even more sinister. Are we deliberately encouraging these protests and the resulting civil unrest?" 

The University of Michigan is not the place to send your child if you want them to be educated instead of indoctrinated. 

When school boards take actions like this we know they are pursuing "their" agenda and not what is in the best interest of the children.  This judge is to be commended. 

What a twist.  A professor does not allow debate of same sex marriage because "we all agree on that one".  A student objects and eventually had to drop the class.  Soon after another professor learns of the event and registered his objection on his blog to the way the matter was handled and “received a letter from the dean relieving him of his teaching duties, saying he was under investigation and banned from campus.”  Such is the power liberalism has over free expression of ideas in academia.

What has been going on in California colleges and universities in not limited to California.  The faculties and administrations of a large swath of academia are heavily weighted towards liberal/progressive hard liners who serve as activists and propagandists for liberal/progressive causes.  So many examples exist that substantiate this claim that it cannot be refuted.  This is just one of a multitude of examples.

George Burns

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