Sunday, November 23, 2014

What They Do & Say

This is a good assessment of Obama's amnesty speech and the man himself.

This item illustrates the intolerance as well as evil intent of some gays.

The White House and DOJ colluded to smear a reporter working on the Fast & Furious Scandal.  Quote:  "In addition to (White House) going directly to the bosses of reporters for intimidation purposes, during her tenure Schmaler regularly worked with far left smear machines like Media Matters to attack other reporters and DOJ whistleblowers."

Typical.  He is caught in a lie but the he lies to try to get out of the lie.  Doesn't work that way.

Ask yourself this question.  Who does Obama support - Americans or radical Islamic terrorists?  It should be clear by now that it is not Americans he cares about given all the things he has done to undermine the very fabric of our country.

Well, well, well they found 30,000 Lois Lerner emails after all.

George Burns

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