Thursday, November 20, 2014

Realistic Looks At Racism

This man is not only very wise but is one of my favorite commentators.  This item is worthy of the brief time it takes to read.  Now, be sure to listen to him in this brief interview.  Bear in mind that he is a former Marxist.

Consider this black man's commentary.  "It's no coincidence that the flames of racial tension were set ablaze during the 2012 presidential campaign after the death of Trayvon Martin, and yet again for Michael Brown who was killed on the eve of this year's midterms. Liberals, whether in the media or government, "never let a good crisis go to waste." Unfortunately, it's the families and communities of the victims that are left behind that pay the price of the Left's irresponsible race baiting long after the media has left the scene, and democrats have driven another phony racist narrative in order to keep black voters mad and others divided. Apparently, it's acceptable to hold police officers in places like Ferguson, Missouri accountable for the death of a black teen as long as the officer is white, but God forbid blacks are held accountable for all of the deaths that result from black-on-black crime in every major city around the country annually."  and  "This double standard has done more damage than good to the black community. Far too many blacks are incapable of distinguishing real black heroes from convenient black heroes."

His legacy of racial bigotry continues to grow.  Quote: "Earlier this year when President Obama nominated cop killer advocate Debo Adegbile to head up the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, Attorney General Eric Holder applauded the move."   And   "Now, Holder has sided with a new set of alleged cop killers in Virginia by taking the death penalty out of consideration for four gang members who kidnapped and murdered Police Officer Kevin Quick."

People use numbers in interesting ways to make their point.  All of us need to be careful when doing so.  Here is an example of why courtesy of a most reasonable man.

Somehow this does not seem right.  His own irresponsible behavior should serve as evidence that he is not qualified to serve as anyone's role model or catered to.

George Burns

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