Friday, November 14, 2014

Disgusting Items

Remember the admission by one of the Obamacare architects that they purposely deceived the public who they considered to be stupid enough for the deception to work?  And, it did.  Here is an interview with one Congressman calls him and his fellow conspirators out on their purposeful deceptions.  Quote:  "He just proved that he is willing to lie. He's willing to lie because he is arrogant enough to think that he knows what is best for this country and the citizens and voters do not, so keep that in mind the next time anybody tries to sell you on a big piece of legislation by calling this comprehensive," Gowdy continued, adding that he'd like to see someone from the administration apologize for what Gruber said. "They lied, they got away with it and they got the bill that they wanted."   and here you will read how the mainstream media is handling this situation.  Quote: "Even the liberal Mika Bzezinski, on Wednesday’s edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, was astounded by the double-standard: “This ObamaCare story, which I saw yesterday and I’m surprised it didn’t emerge...Nobody covered it except for some right-wing outlets.  Had this been a Republican, what do you think would have happened?...That was a huge gaffe, right? We can all agree on that. I do think had it been a Republican, the media would be exploding.”   And you may already know but Nancy Pelosi says she never heard of him but video has her citing his analysis in building the law.  There is plenty of evidence around that lying is going on along this trail of disasters.   One last item...  Quote: "What we’re hearing now is the true voice of liberal arrogance. They believe this. They believe that the voters are stupid as he said. And they believe they know the right way, they have to lead the masses to the promised land and they can only do it by deception. And that’s what he said openly.”

The government has decided that average working American taxpayers should subsidize wealthy museums and schools.  Check out this item and tell me that it is right.  Quote:  "Harvard University, which has a $32 billion endowment, received two taxpayer-funded grants from the IMLS this year totaling $200,000.  IMLS also gave the American Museum of Natural History $148,000 this year to subsidize preservation efforts related to the museum’s collection of Siberian artifacts. The prominent Manhattan museum is one of the wealthiest in the world. According to its most recent IRS filings, the museum is sitting on $1.2 billion in assets and took in $197 million in donations and other revenues in 2012 alone.  Ellen Futter, the museum’s president, collects a salary and benefits package worth $1.2 million a year."

This is more delusional than disgusting.  But, it does reflect the intransigence and self-righteousness of hard left progressive leaders and thinkers.  They do not deal in truth or reality.  Those attributes are unimportant to them - the only things that do are their fantasies and delusions of grandeur.  In the two examples that follow Representative Nancy Pelosi is their star witness.  and here

George Burns

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