Monday, November 24, 2014

What They Do & Say

This is a very interesting piece by Jon Rappaport regarding the lawsuit filed by Monsanto to void this month's vote by Maui citizens to ban Monsanto and DOW from use, research and production of GMO products from their island.  This is a blatant act by a mega corporation in collusion with government to reverse a clear message sent them by voters, citizens and food consumers who do not want them or their products polluting the land and forcing GMO products down their throats.
A straight forward assessment by two lawyers of Obama's lawlessness and what must be done to fix the precedents he has set in place.

About leftist PC policing of free speech.  Most anything they decide that needs policing is racists.  It matters not to them that dictionary definitions prove non-racism.

This is a consequence of our weak economy.  It is ignored by the president and mainstream media.  To raise it as an issue would fly in the face of Obama's attempt to grant immunity and work visas for up to 5 million illegals.  Don't worry about the 73 million American workers who are already suffering in involuntary part time jobs. 

Your will find this criminologist's observations about Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton quite interesting. 

This item focusses on the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and how lawmakers in this and past Congresses and administration officials seek to use, maybe better said abuse, the CBO as a tool to manipulate public opinion regarding proposed legislation. The illustration used to make the point is how Obamacare was constructed to hide from the public its real costs known by its creators.  This is an excellent summary of the misuse of this important legislative tool.

As you read this item bear in mind that several Monsanto operatives are members of Obama's administrative staff.  and if you do not believe that Monsanto is influencing national food policy read this article but if you just want to see how many past and present influential Monsanto personnel have worked for presidential administrations scroll down to "Government Appointment of Monsanto Associates".  You may also find the section entitled "Appointment of Elena Kagen" very interesting.

The absurdity of some liberals is off the charts.  You will not believe what this liberal politician has to say. 

Think about this. The government decided this 90 year old man and his charity could not feed the homeless.  He has been arrested twice for doing so.  You tell me this is not an example of insensitive and irrational government overreach. 

George Burns

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