Monday, November 17, 2014

This Is What Illeagals And The President Think About Our Laws

You can thank President Obama for this mess totally of his making.  Illegal immigrants have absolutely no respect for our laws.

Now consider what President Obama thinks of our laws.  His attitude is that He is the law so he can do whatever he likes.  Quote:  "In short, just as he has done repeatedly since taking office, Obama is ignoring, in a lawless and unconstitutional way, the will of the American people–including a substantial number of the minority populations Obama and his media enablers pretend are fully behind his lawless amnesty actions. And this time, with his leaked executive “action” granting blanket amnesty coming within days after the “wave” election, there is no glossing over Obama’s unbridled contempt not only for the Constitution but for the views of Americans who expect that he obey and uphold the law."

George Burns

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